Creating and configuring a new user account; editing a user account profile; searching for users; resetting as password; assigning facilities, roles, permissions, and non-formulary statuses; lock, unlock, and disabled an account.
Retrieve a PDF document that contains all MARs that were documented on in the previous month
Produces a list of active medication, treatment, and/or vital orders in MedPass that can be used when a facility might be having issues with power loss and/or internet connectivity.
A quick method for resetting your password.
Ordering single facility stock items.
Demonstrates how to change your active facility if part of a region (DOC) and manually transfer a patient from one facility to another within a region.
Comprehensive instruction on placing a medication order with a tapering or titrating dose.
Comprehensive instruction on placing a medication order with Custom Directions. Most commonly used when a medication has a varying dose (i.e. Take 1-2 tablets)