Signing into Sapphire for the first time or after your account has been reset.
Searching for a patient by name, date of birth, ID number, orders (i.e., medication, vital, or treatment), diagnosis, location, facility, release status; performing various functions on the Patient Search page.
Manually adding a patient chart; editing patient profile information (e.g., demographics, patient image, active/release status, etc).
Documenting active patient orders in MedPass; downloading Medpass, patient search/filtering, explanation and documentation of statuses (e.g., administered, refused, etc), uploading results, etc.
Produce lists of active medication, treatment, and/or vital orders in MedPass. Preplists are generally used to assist staff in preparing for or administering scheduled orders.
These queues contain non-patient-specific workflow items and patient-specific medication issues, respectively; addressing items and navigating the queues.
Documenting the administration of release medications.
Producing PDF versions of medication administration records; generating and retrieving single-month and multi-month MARs.
Acknowledging receipt of medication orders from your contracted pharmacy; scanning items and marking received items as damaged.